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By declaring a minor, 你将有机会追求专业以外的兴趣. 在你感兴趣的领域获得额外的知识也会对你未来的职业生涯有所帮助! 这不仅会让你的技能和知识更加全面, 但你也会向未来的雇主证明,你愿意努力工作,并超出他们的期望.
了解世界上不同的文化, 从前文字社会到现代科技社会, is the focus of this course, and will include mankind's universal as well as adaptive dimensions; and the examination of socioeconomic, political, religious, 以及与不同民族的价值观和生活方式有关的自然环境因素.
本课程将对宗教作为人类文化的一个方面进行比较研究,并将包括对宗教行为的实质性和功能性方法, religion as a symbol system, ritual behavior, magic, religious movements, and paranormal phenomena. Prerequisite: ANT 210 or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years.
这门关于世界主要非基督教宗教的概览课程将包括主题, belief patterns, ritual and worship, ethics, social patterns, origin and development, and sacred writings.
基督教信仰与与基督教冲突的主要哲学和意识形态的关系将在本课程中从2世纪到现在进行评估. 前提条件:初级或高级地位或教师同意.
本课程将概述基督教宣教的神学和实践,包括历史发展, missionary methods, evangelism programs, and paradigm shifts, 培养向他人分享福音所需的技能.
本课程整合了各种政治, social, economic, 以及从18世纪到现在的欧洲历史的文化阶段, including the French Revolution, industrialization, imperialism, the unification of Italy and Germany, communism, fascism; the two world wars, and the Cold War. It 还将追溯这个时代的主要科学、文学和艺术发展.
这是入门课程, peoples, 以及从古代到现代的中东文化, 会包括宗教在塑造社会和政治制度中的作用吗, 伊斯兰思想对阿拉伯世界的影响以及当代中东地区的冲突. Offered alternate years.
语言沟通过程中的社会和文化变量以及解决跨文化环境中沟通问题的策略,重点是感知等变量, roles, language codes, 非语言交际也将在本课程中进行研究.
本课程将向学生介绍音乐作为一种普遍的文化现象的研究,以及民族音乐学的学科,并接触到民间的音乐和社会方面, traditional, and art music of Latin America, Africa, India, North America, Southeast Asia, and contemporary mass media. Prerequisite: MUS 102 or MUS 111 or MUS 112 or MUS 201 或具有同等的音乐知识和经验. Offered alternate years.
本课程将向学生介绍音乐作为一种普遍的文化现象的研究,以及民族音乐学的学科,并接触到民间的音乐和社会方面, traditional, 以及从东欧到亚洲包括中东地区的艺术音乐, Oceania, China, Japan, and Korea, as well as Mexico and the Caribbean. Prerequisite: MUS 102 or MUS 111 or MUS 112 or MUS 201, or equivalent knowledge; experience in music encouraged. Offered alternate years.
本课程介绍宗教哲学的问题,包括认识论方法, 证明上帝存在的经典证据, determinism, free will, religious experience, faith and reason, and the problem of evil. 先决条件:(CTHL 101或CTHL 200)和(CPHI 101或CPHI 200)或讲师同意.
This course will analyze ethnicity in contemporary urban society including the relationship between sub-cultural communities and the larger society; examining the factors and processes in the formation of minority groups; and looking at strategies for changing dominant-minority patterns.
Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该辅修课程的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成辅修课程的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格.
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USA Cheer and Stunt Combine September 14, 7:00 AM CU Arena (Gym)
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