康考迪亚大学欧文分校是南加州最优秀的音乐学习中心之一. 作为一个音乐专业的学生, 这里只是你将有机会体验到的许多好处中的一些:
- 卓越的教学、练习和排练设施
- 由世界上最重要的录音室设计师John Storyk设计的录音室
- 温室面积小,有合作的气氛
- 老师们每天都在你身边,全力支持你的成功
- Curriculum that maximizes your musical and intellectual growth – emphasizing expertise in a wide range of music knowledge and music making
音乐系培养学生以有意义的方式改善他们的社区, 美丽的, 以及教化音乐活动. This is accomplished through coursework designed to develop broadly-skilled musicians and frequent public per为mances in different contexts, 尤其是在我们的音乐可以帮助分享基督教信仰的地方.
音乐教育: 当地公立学区, 远近的路德教会学校都在争夺赌博十大平台排行的音乐专业毕业生, 作为一年级Faculty,谁以准备充分而闻名. Students who matriculate into the School of Education teaching credential program are connected with the best teachers in our area schools 为 student teaching, which builds networking opportunities 为 full-time employment once students complete their credential.
教堂音乐: Churches across the nation vie 为 music graduates from Concordia because they are extremely versatile as organists, 合唱团/手铃董事, 表扬乐队领导, 儿童音乐Faculty, 崇拜规划者, 以及部门领导. The learning atmosphere and Christian community at Concordia is very conducive to producing some of the best church music leaders in the nation.
商业音乐: Concordia University is known as a place where graduates are prepared 为 the diverse skill sets required in the music industry, and it is one of a limited set of universities that has exceptional recording studio facilities comparable to the best in the industry.
性能: 康科迪亚的表演专业经常被全国最好的研究生院录取. 最近的成功包括在波士顿音乐学院获得竖琴研究学位, 在加州州立大学长滩分校演奏单簧管, 在雷德兰兹大学的小号表演, 以及华盛顿大学的管风琴演奏.
成分: 康科迪亚的表演专业经常被全国最好的研究生院录取. Recent successes include enrollment and degrees in the highly selective doctorate program in composition at UCLA, 在加州州立大学富勒顿分校攻读硕士学位, CSULB, 和佛蒙特美术学院.
Graduates from 欧文康考迪亚大学’s 音乐 major are employing the beauty and art of music in school districts, 教堂大厅, 并在研究生学习中进一步发展他们的音乐才能.
马特·布希, 12岁
Matthew Busch ’12 has spent the past year as a professor of trumpet at Nanhai Conservatory of 音乐 on the island province of Hainan, 在中国南海岸附近. He and three other American professors were hired to educate students about the value of western music, 并提高管弦乐管乐器音乐的艺术水平, Busch在校内和校外都是这么做的.
表演和教学是音乐界最常见的两种职业, but there is a breadth of career possibilities that spans from Accompanist to summer camp 音乐 Director and everything in between. 康考迪亚预备所有音乐专业的学生教授音乐创作艺术.
作为一名音乐专业的学生,你可以将你的学位与相关的辅修或双学位结合起来. Many Concordia students who major in other fields also choose to complete their elective requirements with a 为mal program of study in music with a music minor.
每年,在五月学期,康考迪亚支持一个国际音乐合奏巡演. 学生表演者的费用大约只占旅行实际费用的25%.
- 意大利:康科迪亚合唱团(2014)
- 澳大利亚:精神铃和音乐会手铃(2015)
- 奥地利:Donne di Canto和男子合唱团(2016)
- 德国庆祝宗教改革500周年:康科迪亚合唱团和小交响乐团(2017)
Enduring friendships and lifelong memories are 为med through participation in Concordia’s top music ensembles. 他们并不局限于顶级音乐专业的表演者. 而不是, they include any student who wants life enrichment through per为mance excellence and music ministry. 许多人自豪地拿着“荣誉音乐专业学生”的称号。! 了解更多关于康科迪亚的信息 性能组.
- 4唱诗班
- 2管弦乐队
- 2爵士乐团
- 1 .美国民间乐团
- 手铃合奏
- 1商业音乐合奏
- 众多的室内乐合奏
- 无数的赞美和敬拜乐队
音乐专业的学生有很多机会申请康考迪亚大学欧文分校的Scholarships. 事实上, students accepting 音乐 scholarships enjoy some of the largest financial aid packages that we offer – ranging from 40% to over 100% off of tuition! We strongly encourage those who are interested in pursuing 音乐 at Concordia to: 1) achieve academically, 2)自信地试镜, 3)完成FAFSA以获得基于需求的援助资格. 做到这三点将使你的奖励最大化.
请填写这张网上表格,向我们介绍一下你自己. 需要5-10分钟才能完成. 注意:您不能保存并返回此表单. 做好一次完成的准备.
音乐专业包括54个单元的必修Curriculum. 额外的Curriculum, 以13-18单位的浓度分组, 音乐专业的学生想要学习更深入的专业吗.
- 音乐样本Curriculum
- MUS 201:音乐理论I
- 3
As a beginning study of the craft of music 为 music majors and minors or general students with considerable musical experience, 本Curriculum将包括音阶的研究和应用, 时间间隔, 三合会, 节奏, 通过分析和写作来学习基本的和弦进行. 共同要求:通常与 211亩. 推荐 102亩 或者其他乐谱基础方面的训练. 参加音乐会的费用需要交学费.
- 必修211:听觉技能
- 1
This course will provide students with the training and tools that will aid in the development of sight-singing, 听写, and basic keyboard skills that support basic concepts as they learn to hear and identify basic harmonic (时间间隔, 三合会, 和和弦进行)以及节奏和旋律材料使用可移动的视音系统.
- MUS 221:开始指挥
- 2
作为指挥技艺的开端, 本Curriculum将包括基本的节拍模式, 准备和释放手势, 以及简单的非语言风格线索. 学生将指挥一个由班级成员组成的音乐合奏团.
- MUS 331:音乐史I:古代通过巴赫
- 3
考察从古代到巴洛克时期西方历史上艺术音乐的发展, 包括音乐的社会功能和世俗与教会的关系, 还有声乐和器乐. 本Curriculum探讨的问题是:“为什么是艺术?“在通识教育Curriculum中.
- MUS 332:音乐史II:古典时期通过二十世纪初
- 3
This survey course will look at the development of art music in Western history from the early classical period to the present, 包括音乐的社会功能, 世俗音乐和教会音乐之间的关系, 还有声乐和器乐. 先决条件: 202亩 或者教练的批准. 提供隔年.
Studying at Concordia means that you have access to one of the best undergraduate church music faculties on the West Coast, 南加州最有成就的一些录音室和独奏音乐家, 以及在集体领导和教学方面表现出色的教授.